Details and Logistics
Stillwater, MN Youth Camp Includes:
12 Hours On-Ice Technique Instruction
Daily Dryland & Athleticism-Building Workouts/Training
Daily Vision Performance Training
Daily Mental Strength and Mindset Training
NHL Video Analysis and Classroom Sessions
What should I bring to camp?
All of your goalie equipment. We cannot provide this.
Athletic wear and shoes (shirt, shorts/sweats)
Water Bottle
Lunch (we'll have time dedicated to lunch, please bring your own)
Any other extra snacks you'll want throughout the day.
Required or emergency medication can be given to instructors for safe keeping and in case of need.
Camp Schedule & Outline
The start and end times should remain about the same, but times throughout the day may change.
You can expect approximately 9 AM to 3:30 PM.
Please arrive a little earlier on Monday for first day check-in.
We will provide your goalie with a camp jersey for them to keep!
A more detailed schedule and camp-specific information will be emailed out in the weeks preceding camp.